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Contact Us

Contact Information & Directions

Phone Number

Local: 952-926-0000
Toll Free: 1-800-843-1989



5270 West 84th St., Suite 500
Bloomington, MN 55437


The Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport is located ~10 minutes from our office straight down highway 494 (east).
The Mall of America is located on your left (south) side of the 494. You’ll pass it on your way to our office.

Directions from the Airport

  1. Take I-494 to Normandale Blvd. (south) to the stoplights at W. 84th St.
  2. Turn east/left at the lights.
  3. Turn left onto Normandale Service Road (see HOLIDAY gas station on the corner).
  4. Take a quick right turn into the parking lot (Highland Bank parking lot).
  5. Park in the parking area in front of the Highland Bank
  6. We are located on the fifth floor of the Highland Bank Building, Suite 500

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