To do a phone consult, it is very important for us to have photos of specific views of your hair loss and donor area before the scheduled consult. Without these photos, our ability to evaluate your situation is much more limited. WE NEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC VIEWS TAKEN AND SENT TO US
1. Frontal view straight on with hair combed back.
2. Top view taken from front, while you look down, with your chin to your chest
3. Right lateral view with hair combed back and away from hairline.
4. Left lateral view with hair combed back and away from hairline.
5. Posterior view of the crown, take from behind while you look up toward ceiling
6. Close up Donor area with hair combed up
We know it can be difficult to take good photos, especially if you are doing it yourself. The following link contains an instructional video created by Joe Tillman ( Hair Transplant Mentor)is is very helpful and has tips for taking the best photos.
CLICK LINK: How to take good photos for hair tranplant consult