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Post-Operative Care after FUE and FUT Hair Transplants

Patients considering hair restoration or hair transplant at Shapiro Medical Group in Minneapolis may wonder how their scalp will be after the procedure. So here is a rundown on post-operative care.

Follicular Unit Excision Post-Operative Care

After Follicular Unit Excision surgery at our Minneapolis hair restoration clinic, a light dressing is applied and the patient returns the next day to have it removed. The scalp is inspected and afterwards, usually no dressing is needed. Patients will experience minimal discomfort and swelling of the scalp following FUE. Most patients will take oral pain medication for a few days later. 

Patients can help facilitate a smoother healing and recovery process following a FUE hair transplant by taking the following steps:

* Refraining from physical activities or exercises that can raise the heart rate or cause perspiration. Sweating will cause the scalp to itch and is not suitable for hair grafts. It may also cause your hair grafts to become dislodged.

* Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, which affect blood supply to the head.

* Have a balanced diet full of nutrients and antioxidants that promote healing and keep hydrated.

* Avoid exposing the scalp to direct sunlight for the first two weeks after surgery and avoid getting any sunburn on the transplanted areas for the first three months. 

Typically, patients can return to their normal routine and activities at least 10 to 14 days after surgery. Aside from resuming normal sleeping positions and patterns, patients can also return to their standard physical activities, hair washing and more. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation Post-Operative Care

For post-operative care after FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation at Shapiro Medical Group,  the scalp will be slightly red and some swelling may occur. Most side effects will diminish within the first week of recovery. The donor area may feel tight and slightly sore for one to two weeks. Scabs and crusting will develop in the transplant sites. Patients should refrain from touching their scalps during recovery as grafts may become easily dislodged, harming results.

Because of strip removal, patients recovering from FUT may require more downtime than those recovering from FUE. FUT patients should expect to take three to five days off from work. Exercise and strenuous activities can resume three weeks after. 

Following the procedure, small scabs will form on the transplanted sites, but will go away within 7 to 10 days.

Three to four weeks following the procedure, the transplanted grafts will begin to shed and go into a resting phase. This is a normal process as the follicles underneath push out the old hair, making room for new, healthy hair.

New hair will begin to grow at around 3 to 4 months following surgery. 


If you’ve recently undergone a hair transplant surgery, it’s important to follow a proper post-operative care routine to ensure the best possible results. Whether you had a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, taking care of your scalp and hair during the recovery period is crucial. Some of the key steps in post-operative care include avoiding physical activity that may cause sweating, gently washing your hair with a special shampoo, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, and following any specific instructions provided by your surgeon. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your hair transplant procedure is successful and that you achieve the full, natural-looking results you’re hoping for.

Want to learn more about hair restoration or transplantation procedures? Feel free to reach out to us. Shapiro Medical Group meets the needs of patients in and around Minneapolis, including Saint Paul, Lakeville, St. Cloud and the surrounding areas.

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