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Schedule A Consultation

Schedule a Consultation
The Consult Process

A Vital Step Necessary to Individualize & Create The Best Treatment Plan For Each Patient Is a Consult &Thorough Evaluation Of Your Degree Of Hair Loss And Desired Goals


  • Evaluate your specific hair loss situation and goals
  • Explain which factors make someone a good candidate or a poor candidate for a particular procedure
  • Discuss how the procedures are performed, step-by-step
  • Provide an initial assessment about meeting your goals including an estimate of the number grafts needed and the price typically associated with your specific situation

Following your consultation, you’ll receive an in-depth evaluation and plan by Shapiro Medical Group, and you will have the opportunity to review


  • In-House Consultation:

    The best consultation is an in-house consult during which we evaluate your situation in-person. Patients who live in the area, or who are willing to travel, take advantage of the in-house consultation.

  • Phone or Skype™ Consultation:

    We see patients from around the world and therefore have developed an effective Phone or Skype consultation process. If a Phone or Skype appointment is chosen it will be mandatory that we receive photos showing “specific views” of your hair loss before the consult. Without photos, we cannot make an accurate evaluation. Please click on the below link for instruction on how to take the most useful photo.


  • Step #1: Initial Educational Step:

    During this Initial Educational Step, we gather information about your specific hair loss situation. We also go over the basic principles of hair transplantation as well as the SMG approach. We believe this step is crucial to making an informed decision. Tiny details can make a difference in the plan. Most patients say that this session is invaluable to their understanding of what is involved and better understanding the final plan presented by the SMG

  • Step #2: Evaluation and Planning Step:

    Following the initial educational session the patient then has the opportunity to meet with the physicians and create a unique plan for his or her hair loss.

    Shapiro Medical Group’s two-step process is the best way to fully educate a patient with the goal of meeting expectations. The information the patient receives in the initial session makes the final evaluation with the physician much more productive.

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